Ways To Nail The CompTIA A+ Certification Exam
Two important points to note as you're studying our videos: First, make sure you download the exercise files for each course. I add supplemental resources to every one of my modules; Pluralsight ZIPs up the text files into a single download that's attached to the course. As you can see in the screenshot below, you can nab the files by navigating to the Exercise files tab in our Web player and then clicking “Download exercise files.”
More Info: comptia a certified jobs
CompTIA presents you with a number of questions with accompanying graphics of questionable quality. Interpreting exactly what the image represents frustrates some test takers. CompTIA has come a long way in this department (there’s actually very few images that I find hard to interpret), but it only takes one to put the unprepared test taker into a bad mental place.
If you run into a graphic that confuses you, put yourself in the question maker’s place. Say to yourself “What are they trying to make me see here?” and you’ll find those confusing images much less of a problem.
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