what jobs can you get with a+ certification
ComptiaⓇ A+ Exam Sim with Labsim for A+ certification preparation. The practice tests consist of 100s of up to date questions with answers and explanations, thus providing you with exam-like questions in a timed environment. Flashcards provide domain knowledge related to the question topic. The practice tests offer all standard features like bookmarking, wrong answers review, category scoring, learn/exam modes, and details stats.
More Info: what jobs can you get with a+ certification
Expect a good percentage of the 90 or so questions to cover more recent technologies. In short, don’t expect a lot of WEP or DES questions.
Here’s a list of some of the “newish” technologies and solutions you need to know for this new version of the CompTIA Security+ exam.
These are in no particular order but should cover you until the next update the exam in 2021.
- Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral (ECDHE)
- Crypto service provider and Crypto modules
- Hardware Security Modules (HSM)
- Continuity of operations planning (COOP)
- Forensic strategic intelligence/counterintelligence gathering
- Privacy impact and threshold assessment
- Driver manipulation – shimming and refactoring
- Everything on the “deploy mobile devices securely” objectives list
- Configuration compliance scanners
- These utilities: ping, netstat, tracert, nslookup/dig, arp, ipconfig/ip/ifconfig, tcpdump, nmap, and netcat
- Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
- Internet of Things (IoT) and SCADA
Despite Marvel’s best efforts, most fans knew Infinity War would mean the end of many of our cherished heroes, and so we braced ourselves before taking a seat in the theater. The same goes for the Security+ exam; be prepared for any unpleasant surprises by knowing what to expect before you sit down.
More Info: what jobs can you get with a+ certification
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