technology departments, during the COVID-19
I’ve heard so many stories of solutions that have been put in place by technology departments, during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure that government operations and service levels were maintained. Some of these solutions were put in place based upon the addition of functionality built upon industry leading platforms local governments already owned. Some of the solutions were just one- time fixes to facilitate functionality, such as chat. These are what I call “the bubble gum and duct tape” fixes. It’s clear that the COVID-19 crisis is not going away and that the technology changes made during the pandemic represent not only the “new normal”, but also the “new next.” I believe what local governments have put in place currently represents the “new normal” because we are not going to be able to take it away. Technology has been delivered to departments and taking away that technology and the solutions that have been provided is not an option. We all must come to terms with the fact that ...